April 15th "Breaking
News; The People Upstairs"
You know
a smart man when you see him...George Bush just realized there is a need
to place
emphasis on the economy. Thanks George - where the hell were you 2
years ago. Continuing the typical enlightened thought process of most
republicans, "Bush is sending 25 Cabinet officials and deputies across
the country to promote his economic recovery plan, which relies heavily
on tax cuts." A note to you morons running the country - tax cuts
are not an economic recovery plan. Generally a plan has more than one
leg to stand on. I'm really looking forward to another year of Reganomics.
We now have neighbors
upstairs, and are hoping they are here for Semana Santa.
We've had a morning of furniture moving and what seems like dancing above
us. We are praying they are seasonal visitors...
Links for today: